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  • Pristine Home Care

Getting Some Help

Updated: Dec 10, 2020

One of the adjustments that is part of life once you end your working years is adjusting to living on a different kind of income. We get used to regular paychecks over the life of our careers in a working world. And while we may be very happy to leave the stresses of the work day life, that paycheck is one part of that world that we we miss when it finally stops.

Of course, many senior citizens have some resources going into their senior years such as savings, investments, a retirement program and Social Security, but the thing that is hard to get used to is drawing funds from a limited pool. Whether the amount of your retirement resources is big or small, outside of the income from interest and dividends, you are no longer receiving can put you in a strain.

It may seem strange, but we have to think about how long we can live on those funds. While we would all like to live to 90 or older, from a practical point of view, we don’t want to “outlive our savings” and then become a burden on our children to support us; as they are working hard to raise and support their young families.

So the life of senior citizens means going on some form of budget. Anything we can do to stretch the use of those retirement funds and social security, means they will last longer as we continue to do the right things to preserve our health and lifestyle.

One resource that is worth taking a look at are programs that are geared to helping senior citizens conserve and balance their limited funds. One such resource is the phenomenon of the “senior discount” which is often offered at restaurants and other retail institutions. While you may be working to look young and defeat the influence of age on your health, when it comes to senior citizen discounts, it offers a great benefit that many take advantage of while stretching funds from a fixed income.

Public service companies such as your electric, gas or water companies also have programs that you can take advantage of to keep household bills under control. To manage and control your budget, it is important to know the monthly amount of your bills. To do so, signing up for these programs can keep your bills on track with a month to month bill that remains the same. Living in the unknown can cause unwanted stressors and health issues, that is why it is important to find every way possible to balance your budget.

Other programs do exist to assist seniors with their households. Check with your local or state government to see if they have special reduced sales taxes for seniors. Also, contact your local churches, social services, libraries and more for resources that may be able to assist you.

You worked hard to live a happy and fruitful life, so take advantage of these plans and don’t let yourself feel bad about it at all. The world appreciates you for your hard work and contributions, and it is time to let society pay you back with whatever help can be offered. You deserve it!

For more information on how Pristine Home Care can assist you, please contact us at Office: (734)325-9905 or Fax/Ph (248) 595-0322 Ext. 101

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